


04-18-2013, 12:39 PM

Bubbly, excited, happy, the exuberant adolescent trotted along beside Jupiter. The pack Sol had become one of her favorite companions, aside from Cetotorah of course, but they were inseperable, their threads of fate so meticulously interwoven that it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Ceto and Luana, Luana and Ceto, one was rarely without the other. They were a joint pair, always and as it would seem forever. She was happiest when he was slinking along beside her.

Today, there was a bounce in her step, a smile painted across her maw, and her tail languidly flickered back and forth. She bolted forward a few paces to catch up to her Alpha as the pack moved towards their new allies. Luana had never met a Seracian wolf, at least she did not think she had, and she was filled with excitement. New friends, new allies, new relationships! She could scarcely contain herself! "Jupiter! How long do you think we will be here? Oh I do hope they are kind! Wouldn't it be marvelous to make allies with the pack itself not just the king?" Her exuberance could not be stifled.

They approached the borders, and what she assumed was the King, was the first to greet them. His tones welcoming and gentle. A wide smile blossomed across the sandy faes maw and she dipped her head remembering her manners, tail swinging behind her like a pendulum. Her golden orbs flickered as Seracian wolves began approaching and her smile only grew as her gaze fell upon the form of an all too familiar face.

"Maverick! Its been a long time! How have you been my friend?" She remembered him as the gangly pup falling in the river, but he had grown and so had she, it mattered little to the sandy fae. He was a friend, and that was all she cared about.
