
a þing of splendor


01-05-2016, 10:16 PM

There was little time spent interacting among themselves. Enough, Bernadette thought, to be welcome. She needed to reach out more to her packmates for certain, as well as work on honing her skills. The bi-colored eyes of the femme would glace to Hare, then to Neith. They were the only two she had interacted with one on one thus far. But there was time yet to get to know her other packmates. Come the next season, Spring, she would be sure to become more active within the pack. To get to know the rest of them. This much she vowed.

There was definitely a good deal to discuss. She was not entirely pleased about having to abandon her den... However the thought of having all of the pack together in the same sort of area made sense. There was a moment, a brief moment, of longing for her own kin. To have them here would have been bliss. But alas they were not present in Alacritia. She had left her brothers behind with her parents, seeking out her own path. She couldn’t hold onto their paws forever like some overgrown pup.

There was also news of a missing wolf. Bernadette particularly found this interesting. Was he dead and gone, or was he a traitor to the ways of Yfir? The thought of being the one to find such a traitor, to bring them before the pack for judgment... Now that sent shivers of excitement down her spine. But only time would tell if this wolf showed up or not.

There was more news, which Berny was also rather interested in. So Katja bore the children of the gods? Bernadette wasn’t sure how possible or impossible such a thing was... But the idea was rather amusing either way. These children would certainly be respected at the very least, for they were the children of the Drottning.

The next bit of news continued to keep the black and red femme’s attention. Ahhh ranks. She had been sitting as a Karl for too long now. She was determined to improve her rank, and to progress within Yfir. Perhaps she would one day become a lead warrior, but first things first, she needed to become a Thegn. After several others had spoken the femme too would speak up, expressing her wishes. “I wish to prove myself worthy for the position of Thegn, Drottning.”