
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-05-2016, 10:39 PM

Oh man, it was finally starting to warm up, huh? Esti had gotten up a little before the sun, stretching and then going on patrol. On her way around, she made sure to brush up against some of the bushes to get off some of the clumps of loosening fur. Definitely Spring. Before long, everyone in the pack would be shedding terribly.

After patrol, Esti had managed to find something of breakfast as the sun poked up over the horizon. The prey had been spry, and the catch had been difficult. She needed to start working out more now that it was Spring. Speaking of Spring, Esti's season would soon be in full swing. She wondered if she could will herself to just... not.

Shaking off that thought, Esti brought her mind to the pack. Several members had gotten promotions, including her son. She hadn't seen many around since then, but that was partially her own fault. She could end that, here and now. Tipping her head back, Esti called for a fight training. It wasn't mandatory, but she had been thinking of trying one. She knew she had grown stronger. She had grown... something. The rest of the pack needed to work together so they could be ready if they were ever needed. Even if everyone was doing great in their training, it would be kind of fun anyway. The call was already out, so it was too late to take it back now. Taking a breath, Esti found a small hill and sat at the top of it.


OOC: This isn't mandatory obviously. It was approved by Laz. I'll be posting on the 15th or 16th, so if you wanna join, get in here by then please!