
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-05-2016, 10:54 PM

Birna eyed the little pup that was currently nestled in a den just outside Imperium's pack border. Rhys had dragged the sickly thing back home and now she found herself unsure what to actually do with the pup. They'd managed to convince Integra to help with the lure of practice and branching into general medicine but she knew they'd have to bring this matter to Valentine soon. Birna had checked several routes, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of the parents while she'd been out patrolling. Nothing. It certainly seemed that the pup… what was the name again? Dagmær? Well, it certainly seemed she'd been abandoned. What a pain…

Slipping from the den Birna yawned, shaking out her coat. She wanted to crab about this newest distraction that was taking up more of her time that she cared to admit but… Birna glanced back at the den. Dammit… she was getting attached, she could feel it. She saw Integra approach with a mouthful of herbs and bid her good morning, turning the little whelp over to the other woman's ministrations. Pfft. Weren't they an odd pair?

As Birna started making her way back into Imperium territory she heard the call of Esti. Hmm.. fight training? Could be worth the chance to unwind and let out a little pent-up energy. She trotted into the presence of the other. "Hello Esti, it's shaping up a nice day. Integra is attending to a patient so I'm afraid she wont' be joining us. You know if no one else show's I'd be more than happy to take you in a one on one." Birna grinned. Esti was every bit her equal, excelling as she was and she was just itching to see who would come out on top.

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