
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]


01-05-2016, 10:56 PM

Einarr had been sulking about since Avalon’s claiming. He hadn’t felt right. Hadn’t felt comfortable being in Imperium after that. But he stayed, waiting for the moment his actions that day were questioned. He knew it was going to come sooner or later... But no matter what happened he would not regret his actions that day. Before packs, before alphas, his loyalty was to his mother. It didn’t matter if Akemi was part of Sonticus or any other pack... He loved her. Nothing was going to change that. Not a feud, and certainly not Valentine.

But that wasn’t to say Einarr didn’t respect the slate man. He had put his mother in her place {as much as the tan male didn’t want to admit it}. He hadn’t gone to see her since that day... But he prayed that she was safe with his stepfather and Tiny within Sonticus. The whole situation just left a sour taste in his mouth. It was the waiting that was really killing him. Not knowing what was going to happen from here on out...

When the call for fight training came Einarr would rise. It would be a welcome distraction from these obsessive thoughts. Casting a glance towards Imperium’s borders the young man would head off in the direction of the call. He didn’t know the owner of the voice... But surely he couldn’t be too hard to pinpoint the owner of it.

He’d arrive just in time to see hear the silver and white female speaking to another. Ahh so this had to be it then. He’d give a small nod to Esti, remaining silent for the time being.
