
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]


01-05-2016, 11:10 PM

Mieu thought that he’d done really well in his spar against Ash. It had... Scarred him when his friend spoke about fighting. About him possibly not being there. But since then Mieu was excited. The young man was hoping that he could get better in fighting... Maybe then the leader’s leader would let him leave the lands like Ash was allowed. He had gotten lonely before when Ash wasn’t around... So Mieu had decided there was only one thing to do; make more friends within the pack.

So when the call went up in the air, rather than ignore it like he’d done previously, Mieu would get to his paws to answer it. He was eager to arrive and see the members of the pack gathered in one place. He wasn’t sure if they would all show up... But he was excited all the same. Maybe Ash would be there too! Even if he wasn’t Mieu was determined to have a good time and try to make at least one new friend.

He would arrive to find three other wolves present. One of which was the reaaaally intimidating tall lady who had put his sister in the dirt. Mieu made sure to keep a distance away from her, ears perked and blue eyes shining as he looked at Esti. “Can I join you guys?” The tiny male asked, hoping that he wouldn’t get turned down right from the get go.
