
Im glad you came



6 Years
01-06-2016, 02:19 AM
(The sun goes down, the stars come out.
All that counts is here and now
My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

Voltage would sigh softly as she pushed into his embrace, and he would hold her all the tighter. She was the fire in his veins, the energy that swam through his body. Everything that had been him before her, was now her. Every breath he took he took for her, his heart beat to love her. That first day, when he saw her across that little pond, so sad and heartbroken, he had changed. Everything became her. Voltage had always lived for others, for many many wolves and each year of his life that grew. The first litter, the second, the third...then Gaia, then his daughters. Every year of his life it grew larger and larger, but when it came to Gaia... she somehow managed to take a spotlight. When his focus was on her, it was on her completely, and somehow his focus was always on her.  And god, he wouldn't change that for the world.

She would stand, turning slightly. Blinking, he'd look at the band that she always had, and he remembered in that moment just what it was for. It was the symbol of her first love, a promise the man had made. It was a symbol of her first heart break... Without a word he reached forward, nuzzling her thigh gently and pressing a soft kiss near her spine before catching the band in his teeth and tugging it from around her tail. It was slow, tentative, and if she wanted to change her mind he wouldn't hesitate. Voltage was a man of emotion, and first loves were always important. But still, he felt his affection swell as he tugged it from her tail and let it fall to the rock with a soft clang. Quickly he'd gather her in his arms again when she settled back against him, his paw wrapping gently around her and his nose pressing into the top of her head. He loved her, like he had never loved another in his whole life. When she spoke, he felt his breath catching, and he had to close his eyes to compose himself. "My little cloud.." He whispered softly, voice tight with emotion as he held her tighter. "I don't know what I have ever done to deserve you..." He whispered.

"Burn Baby Burn"