
Here we are, we've just begun



2 Years
Extra large

01-06-2016, 03:42 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2016, 05:05 PM by Seraphiel.)

It was funny how her den had been her whole world. It was all she had ever known and she was already so eager to push the boundaries and fund out what lay beyond the corners of her little space.  Her mother always caught on to quickly, her wobbly little steps taken on overly large paws in a comically dis-proportioned body just weren't subtle enough and she was always ushered back to the nest and her sisters warm side.

Now she felt like she knew too much, an explosion to her senses. First she discovered the meaning of cold, as the spray from her fathers movements had tickled into her fur, made worse by the chill wind of the nightly hour. It took what felt like a life time for her father to take her to the safety of this new land before she was licked dry by her mother and pushed into the warmth of her

little family, mother, father, and sister all huddled so close against her she no longer knew who's fur was whose.
That had been a day ago, now, now she was warm and over the shock of it all, now she was bored. She wanted to understand the funny green substance she had encountered on the prairie. It was everywhere! Everything was greener here, away from the sandy den she had known. Everyone was busy, adjusting and talking and mingling. Now, she could escape unseen. She rose to her feet, her huge paws betraying her as she tripped over them, before making her escape an agonizingly slow one. First one step, then another, then another, that was the way to progress she realized. Using this method she was able to actually make a difference, she was doing it! She was sneaking away from camp under the eyes of so many wolves!

There was her whole entire family around her, the wolves she had smelled and heard in the past but never really seen in the light of day. The splash of colour was hypnotising and it was a struggle not to get distracted from her real mission.
