
:: la lavande et de l'ivoire


04-18-2013, 01:04 PM

A good day it was... A great day, it was morning and not too hot, his tongue bounced as he loped on, deciding it was time to bring home fresh meat for the ever nearing litter that was to be born. His xanthous eyes flickered and flashed under the rays of the sun which were being split and scattered throughout the canopy of the trees, a gentle show of gilded light dancing about the soft forest earth as the wind forced the trees to dance their dance. His muscles bunched under his thick fur and threw his enormous frame forwards onto who knows what kind of hunt he might find. His carefree loping slowed as his nose caught scent of something, something that wasn't prey. He knew he was a distance from home, but he had good reason for it. He'd be hunting too close to home for too long, and the population of food was getting too wary of their old grounds and had moved along. He needed to give it time before picking close to home for meals. A moment later he was idle and sniffing the upwind. The smell the unknown put out was pleasant enough. He turned and took off at a walk towards the aroma. His old paranoid attitude fading with each day he spent in his new home. He saw her then, pristine, beautiful and young. Argent slivers along her coat, he watched her for a moment, standing enough in the open to be seen, he was not hiding from her, he wanted to meet her he supposed. He stood, a towering heap of dauntless musculature and molten eyes watching her. Hoping he was not making a mistake.