
Keep Your Friends Close


01-06-2016, 05:40 AM

Mieu had been doing better within the pack lately. He was relying on Ashmendai a bit less, and, since their spare, the young brute had gained a bit more confidence to approach his packmates. It didn’t change the fact that he was a Servus, not the boy understood ranks and such at all, but he continued to live within Imperium happily. The pack had provided a place of sanctuary and security for the young brute, and little did he know just how precious his friendship had been with Ash. If it wasn’t for the other his life would have surely been very different from how it was now.

Morning rose upon the knolls, and Mieu would come out of his den with a yawn. With the coming of spring snow had gave way to mud, and the brown boy honestly enjoyed playing games in it. There was also a different to his hunting style compared to how he ran in winter -- you could either slide or get stuck in the mud so you had to be pretty cautious. Lately the young man had been doing some thinking, and he wanted to see what Ash thought before he did anything.

Shaking out his coat Mieu would start across but one of the lands Imperium held. His friend could be in any of the three, maybe even none! It saddened Mieu when his friend left the lands and he couldn’t follow. It made him curious as to what was out there... And what sorts of things he might discover if only given the chance. Tail swishing happily back and forth, Mieu squealshed through the mud with glee. Yes, today was going to be a good day!

"Listen to me talk, 'but know my thoughts