The dismissive tone would have her frown briefly, but... that was Lark. It was the vibe she had gotten; he was dismissive, stern, authoritative and way too damn possessive for his own good. And blunt. Which she liked, a lot. And hey, she got a laugh from him! ... sort of. But, hey, it was a laugh. She remembered when he actually got him to laugh laugh, and yeah, she felt a bit proud about that. She liked being amusing, making others pleased. Sadly, she rather sucked at it.
She snorted again at him, nodding. "Yeah - I remember Sparrow's reaction when I asked what that meant." It had been great; she had snorted in surprise and stared with wide eyes. The female's expression had been priceless, and had been a definite clue as to what it meant. Lillie's ears pricked at Lark's next words, and she'd give him a dirty look. She knew he knew that she'd be curious. "Puttanna?" she asked, head tilting, a smile twitching at the edge of her lips even as she gave him a look that almost demanded an answer, but... not quite. There was still a hint of a request - and a preparation for Lark refusing to answer to infuriate her.