
Testing Your Skills

Aria I


04-18-2013, 01:39 PM

Aria Corvi

Once again their chests collided in a not so friendly manner, then again, this spar wasn't really too friendly. It was to move up in rank, to show off what she could do while at the same time learing about what she could change with ehr tactics.

She had thought about this attack, hoping that by her jumping away moments ago then lunging forward with her shoulder forward and head back, she would be able to catch the shewolf off guard somehow. And that's what happened. Jaws clenched around the base of her Sol's neck, a snarl of pain slipping her own jaws as she ducked her head. Aria had also not been paying attention, for she felt jaws shut around her left forleg just a second after the shewolf ducked her head down, a snarl mixed with a growl rumbling forth from the back of her throat but was muffled as the skin in her jaws scrunched up and blocked her mouth and most of her nose.

Aria pulled her head back, taking in a gulp of air but because of the force Jupiter was applying to the bite on her leg it sent the Lunav forward, the ground slipping out from under her. Instead of throwing her legs around, trying to figure out if the ground was up or down, she pulled her legs in against her body, covering her vulnerable stomach with her folded legs and neck with her head held low to scrunch of the skin.

After what seemed like seconds, the shewolf had stopped moving and she took this chance to move quickly. Legs shot out, body twisting so her back was to the sky, keeping paws spread for balance. Her head puleld around, emerald orbs looking up to the Sol for a split second before she lunged once more, but because of her hurt leg she could only throw herself forward, keeping her head down and using her shoulders and weight to try and knock the shewolf over.

DEFENSES;; Body curled into ball, blocking soft flesh of neck and belly.

ATTACKS;; Lunging forward with head down, throwing herself up into Jupiter's chest to knock over.

INJURIES;; Sore chest from chests colliding, scratches on jaws, bruises from chests colliding, bite marks on left foreleg

ROUND;; 3/3
