
Late For The Show, But Ready To Go!



11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2016, 06:49 PM

She seemed almost hesitant and unsure after he spoke to her. He didn't blame her though, he was still a stranger in her eyes. As he waited for her to respond, the old male would not move his position as his steady gaze studied her. She seemed pretty shy, a hint of curiosity but shy nonetheless. He didn't know if she was like that before Quelt left, or if she had turned that way because he left. He wanted to growl at that thought, but he suppressed it. Scaring her now wouldn't do any good, and at her gentle and curious words, he smiled at her. He nodded to her greeting, Mr. Kakashi eh? Cute. And no matter how much he wanted to frown at her question, he simply sighed and flicked his tail in irritation. How to tell her...? His gaze cast towards Bass for a split moment before he slowly shook his head. "I don't, I'm sorry. But that's why I'm here." Well, not for this particular reason...he had come to see his brother and the kids, but he didn't know he had been gone for a while up until today. "I came today to meet you, actually. And it seems...perhaps now, a little more then that."

He sat up, crimson gaze looking her over for a reaction. He could see her curiosity, but how to go about this? He had only come for a visit, but now it seemed...a different idea would come up altogether. With both of her parents gone, and Qualm seemingly disappeared as well...he was about to offer for her to come stay with him in Borealis. Would it be right though? To take her away from those she was already familiar with and throw her into a world where she knew no one? Including him? While they had just met, Kakashi had a soft spot for kids...most of them, anyway. Especially if they were related to him. Taking a deep breath, he would speak again. "Quake, if it's alright with your alpha..." He looked at Bass then, a seriousness in his gaze. "I would like to request that I become her guardian."
