
Fading Stars



5 Years
01-06-2016, 08:31 PM

For the Hundredth time Zori hopped from Astrea's shoulders to her head. The Star Dreamer could tell that her companion was worried for her. In the past week she had not been able to find anything to eat... not that she would have been able to catch it regardless, she felt the hunger sapping her limbs... Astrea sighed as she trotted toward home, she was going to be in big trouble if one of her siblings catch her. She had been gone from the family for a few weeks now, looking all along the northern coast looking and asking about little Illume. So had not wanted to come back home at all until she found the wayward child... but Zori would not rest until Astrea agreed and frankly it was a good call, to much longer and Astrea would not be able to move let alone search for the pup. Astrea had not intended to decline in health, in fact she tried her hardest to stay strong, that after all was the only way to continue to search for little Illume but even knowing that. Even knowing that Astrea could not bare to spend all day trying to hunt when she knew she would not be able to catch anything because she was terrible at hunting... So instead of feeding herself she had been looking high and low for her niece... and still have found nothing of her.

Zori chirped into Astrea's ear startling her. The Star Dreamer looked around dazed, not even realizing that she had stopped... "Ok Zori, I will keep moving," Astrea softly called to her bird, her voice tired. She needed to get home so she could get a night of sleep, that was another thing she had not been getting much of. Every time she thought to lay down and maybe get a few hours she always thought back to the look in Volt's eyes, he looked... so broken... so lost... and with that image in her mind she was not able to sleep... at all.

Astrea stumbled into the temporary home that her family had set up in the field next to the beach... Astrea wished that she could go to her cliff, that was the only place she could relax in recently, the only place she was calm enough to catch a nights sleep... but no the path up was under water and like her hunting she was not a good swimmer either. The Star Dreamer sighed as she moved to where the family was most likely to be curled up together to sleep... but thought better of it. She did not want her family to see her at her worst, but not only that, she did not want anyone to stop her from her quest. Astrea was determined to find her niece... even if it really did end up killing her.