
You Better Be Good To Me


04-18-2013, 02:38 PM

Evelette reclined gracefully to her haunches, tail coiling around her thighs as she waited whatever news the Alpha had. She had not actually met Collision, only Syrinx, and mentally, she made a note to visit with him soon. It was terribly rude of her not at least to introduce herself, ah well such things would have to be for a later time. he had more important things to attest too than a new member. Perhaps within the coming weeks. Valhalla seemed to be vast in number, wolf after wolf came one by one and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Syrinx, a gentle smile lighting her maw.

He greeted his relatives, with a gentle nudge or a soft caress, but surprising her greatly, he came to sit beside her. She got over her shock quickly, honored that the heir to the throne would choose her, of all people, to recline beside. She dipped her head, a show of gentle respect and offered him a gentle smile. "Hello Syrinx, I hope the days have treated you well?" her tones were light and gentle, she paid no heed to the horrid scar that marred the underside of his jaw.

Collision spoke, his words a steady drawl and the reaction from the wolves around her was instantaneous. Ranging from just plain fury, to acceptance, she immediately grew uncomfortable. She knew know of these wolves, their stories, their pasts. She had hoped to discover more about Valhalla, but she felt so much like a stranger intruding she discarded the idea as quickly as it came. These were affairs she had no part of, knew nothing about and quickly she rose to her pads, brushing her maw against Syrinx's shoulder, her tones muffled into his fur. "Perhaps we could speak later my friend? These matters do not require my presence." She muttered just loud enough for him to hear and quickly retreated.

-Exit Evelette unless stopped-
