
Empire of Angels (CHALLENGE)


01-06-2016, 09:40 PM

Akemi had honestly wished Einarr stayed out of it. It was not his fight, his duty to come to her side merely because she lost a fight. The tiny woman would rise, getting to her paws, barely having the time to get on her feet before hell broke place in two places. It was Ravine, getting into his own trouble, that worried her most. But though he was her husband Akemi knew he would need to fight his own battle just as she had. No, her attention was turned now on Hati, her single orb glaring coldly.

She loved him... And hated him. Hated the lapdog he had become. Her thoughts were cool as she made her initial retort in her head. ‘Funny... considering I once bested you in a fight, Hati.’ Oh yes, did he even remember her entrance exam into Cataleya’s pack? Or perhaps he’d pleasantly forgotten.

“First and foremost, it is not a matter of not learning. I have learned something, whether you believe it or not. I believe that you need to stand on your own damn paws to do something, because no one will do it for you.” The words continued to come out icy cold. “Quite frankly I could give a damn about losing. I’d rather be a loser who stood for what they thought was right rather than some idiot who lets themselves get walked all over without even trying to defend themselves.”

Akemi felt sick to her stomach, the mixed feelings in her heart eating at her. She would keep her single eyed gaze on Hati, making sure her words didn’t waver. “...and secondly, don’t get yourself all in a tizzy because I mentioned wanting a rematch with your precious alpha.” Her fur remained on end a she spoke, gesturing to the slate man. “It is not a matter of petty revenge. I’ll say it now and say it clear. I. Respect. Him. I thought he was an asshole for felling Cypress in that way, but it wasn’t until I battled himself myself that I understood he was worthy of his victory.” Akemi would straighten, looking to Valentine now.

“Congratulations on your victories, Imperium Alpha... And for gaining the loyalties of my brother and son.” Akemi would hold her gaze for a moment before looking back at Hati.

“I’m not afraid to fight for what I believe anymore Hati... And if I’m going to die one of these days for it then so be it. At least I could say I’d dared to live.” With that she would make to distance herself from her brother, from her son, from everyone, to wait until Ravine’s fight was over and they could go home.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'