
have the time for one more son



6 Years
01-06-2016, 11:26 PM
He'd watch her so closely, watch her sightless eyes cry, watch as she struggled to keep her breathing under control. Watched as she struggled with a sudden empty nest, with the need to be a parent. And he couldn't believe how far she had come. A year ago, she had been scared, panicking about parenthood. Perhaps their first year into this life was not the easiest, and its scars ran so deep he was sure they would never heal. But to see her yearn for something she had been scared off, to fix mistakes and refuse to make new ones. He couldn't help but sigh softly, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against her.

He wanted to give her everything, absolutely everything. He wanted to fix all her wounds and make it all alright again. But this...he felt like this might be jumping the gun again. He would sigh softly, shifting to press another kiss against her cheek. "I want more than anything to erase your pain, my little cloud." He whispered softly, his paw slowly running down her shoulders to rest on the middle of her back. "But I think this...needs to be thought out some more. You're grieving..." It was strange. Voltage was always so impulsive, so easy to jump at any opportunity and anything that might be fun. He loved to go with the flow, and the only plans he really enjoyed were party plans. "You are still the best mother in the matter what."  His voice soft and tender by her ear, just holding her close. It hurt, but he wanted to make sure this wasn't just because she was longing for children to fill the void...He wanted them to be ready this time.

"Burn Baby Burn"