
Empire of Angels (CHALLENGE)



9 Years
01-07-2016, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 02:32 PM by Ravine.)

 The last thing Ravine had wanted to do was get into a fight. All he wanted was for Valentine to get off Akemi so they could go home. Instead he was told to go fuck himself only seconds before he had been pushed backwards a step and then told to get out of the other mans face or his would be rearranged. "Im not going to fight you, that would be pointless. I just want to take my wife and go home."

He was about to turn so that he could do just that, when a woman he didnt know would tell him to get his paws off of Valentine. He turned his head to tell her he never toutched her alpha, just in time to move to the left so that her shoulder wouldnt knock him balance when their shoulders connected. Though he would have a bruise later at least he was still on his feet.

Quickly the man would widen his stance, splay his paws on the ground and level his tail with his spine for balance. His ears would flatten to make them a tad more difficult to shread and he would scrunch up his neck just before the Imperium woman's teath would conect with his flesh. Her jaws would land just short of their mark thanks to the scrunched up fur skin and fat at the back of his neck. Rather than having a hold directly behind his ears, she would have hold of nothing but the fatty scruff of his neck.

Almost instantly, Ravine could feel the warmth of his own blood trickle down the right side of his neck from the fesh punctures given by the she-wolf. In the same instance he would turn toward her a bit more, lower and tilt his head to the side and attemt to dig his teath into her right front leg just above the elbow. He was attempting to do to her what he would do to a larger prey animal. That was to attemt to disable her front leg, to make it useless for this fight.

This woman had butted into something that he was never going to turn into a fight, and he aimed to make her pay for it.

Round:1 of 2 for Dominance

Injuries: A mild bruise to his right shoulder and 4 punctures to his neck

Defense: Widened base, splayed paws and straitened tail for balance. Flatrened ears and scrunched neck to make them harder targets

Attack: He turned just enough to be able to lower and tilt his head to the side so he could attempt to digg his teath into Cascade's front right leg just above her elbow.

OOC: Lunarcat7 gave me permission to edit what the fight was for
