
Silver Bells



2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2016, 12:00 AM by Seraphiel.)

The Prairie was becoming more familiar to her then the beach had ever been. The fabled black sand that had stretched for miles, and the nooks and crannies of the tunnels, the cliff that the star siblings had spent their hours and passion... it was all just a story to the girl. She had known her den, and then this lush green land. Of course she was curious about the ocean, and she had even gone so far as to stick a paw into the water before her father had snatched her away, his eyes wider then she had ever seen them. Was he afraid of the water? It seemed so silly for someone so big and strong be afraid of anything.

She hadn't tried that trick again, her father watched her far too closely when she tread near the ocean's side. She had more freedom if she moved instead through the prairie. The grass was nearly as long as her paws, the towering trees lifted far past what her eyes could track. She couldn't cover every inch of the grass lands in one day, and she certainly didn't know it off by heart yet. She knew a path to the borders, and some interesting bushes to play in on the land itself, but so far that was all her little heart had learned to love.

The call for her father was a welcome distraction, her head lifted to the wind and it was a huge mission to follow to source of the howl. When she pounced from the tree line and found her way to the border she was so mighty impressed with herself that she pranced forward, head held high and tail lifted haughtily behind her. It was at this point that her brilliant blue eyes connected with the duel toned orbs of a stranger. She froze, having forgotten what exactly had lead her here in the heat of the challenge. “Oh!” she said in surprise, titling her head, relaxing her tail as she twisted her head this way and that to survey the woman at every angle. It took her a moment to get a hold of that pride again, as she pranced right up to the border, her eyes never moving from Silva. “My name is Seraphiel Elementas of the Filli rank of Donostrea” wow, that was a mighty mouth full and the first time she had ever had a chance to use the whole thing in the space of one moment. “Er. Ray, call me Ray” she concluded, and found a speck of manners hidden somewhere in her skull. “Whats your name?”
