
Silver Bells



2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 02:36 AM

Ray could only watch as Silva first shook her head, then nodded it, and found she wasn't entirely certain what point her new relative wanted to get across. At least she explained that her white-washed coat wasn't something totally rare and strange. If both the woman's parents boosted the colors it must be common enough, right? Sera shrugged at the mention of her blue. Her color wasn't special, not in Donostrea. It marked her as the 'frost' element she was apparently born to or whatever that weird history stuff was anyway, she hadn't really got an understanding of it all down yet. “Nah, the blues shaped like Gale and Volt but different and colored like my dad and I guess it just is like that like your white like that” Ray said, in a way that only a pup could logic it.

Now it was Silva's turn to giggle and Ray tilted her head questioningly wondering what was going on in that grey-scaled head of hers. She explained that she wasn't really family but that she had spent some time here. “Cool, does that make us related through like adoption or something?” she wanted to know “So our dads didn't kick butt together? Cause daddys really big and he can be really fierce like he wants to be. Like that time I wanted to touch the ocean and he got all mad. I bet he could kick butts too” she mused.

When Silva got alarmed about the beach, Ray's eyes went huge, and her grin got just as big. “All the adults where really alarmed and my daddy got all scared in that hushed way like he doesn't want us to know and he had to carry us through the water that had gotten all into our den and I got wet and cold and I could see the water eating up all the beach until there was no sand left and we had to race it to the shore. But when we got to the shore all the adults got all strong and stood between the water and the prairie and they wouldn't let the water take their grass land too so it had to stay on the beach!” she explained. Ok. so. That might not have been exactly how it went down, but she liked how interested and alarmed Silva had gotten over it.
