
Silver Bells



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 03:26 AM

Her fur color not special? Did she just say not special!? Holy flying mice was she nuts!? Then again, maybe it was normal for a colorful wolf to think they weren't that special when they lived around a bunch of other colorful wolves. Like Silva lived around a bunch of other wolves that were normal whites and browns and boring colors. No, the first time she had seen Glacier she had been in complete shock and awe because he was blue! And she still couldn't get over the fact when she saw Seraphiel with blue in her fur because, well, it was so different! When Ray mentioned the names of Gale and Voltage, Silva had to stop and think for a moment. Gale...Gale...oh! The pretty one that had colors like her but with purple on her face! And Voltage was the meanie who wouldn't let them go to the beach right? While she loved Glacier, his brother seemed okay. But Silva thought he was kinda mean for not letting them go to the beach and play in the water.

When Seraphiel finished her explanation, Silva nodded in agreement. "Makes sense!" Of course it did! Why wouldn't it? Does that make us related like through adoption or something? Hmm...that was a good question! She did start calling him Uncle, and he never told her not to call him she was pretty sure the answer was yes. Wait was it...? Yes, at least in her mind. She nodded vigorously, "Yeah, I think so!" As for whether her dad and Ray's dad kicked butt together? Well, Glacier did go to check on her dad when everything was happening, so that meant that they did kick butt together right? What else would have happened? She tilted her head to the side, laughing as Ray told her that Glacier had gotten mad about the water. "I dunno! Maybe they did because both our dads are big and strong! Well, my daddy isn't as big as your daddy but he can be really scary when he's mad, just like your daddy!"

By this point, her alarm had hit a standstill as Ray told her what happened. It sounded both exciting and scary, but what was scary about racing water? The wet and cold part? Ick! She didn't like being wet and cold, like when she lived in the snow it was always wet and cold! But then when they moved to the desert, it was hot and dry! She leaped up to her paws then, a determined look on her face as she bristled her fur while an idea formed in her mind. "Well, what are we waiting for!? We can help fight the water too! We can show the adults that we have responsibles too!" She could show them! She was very responsible. She could show her uncle Glacier and meanie 'ole Voltage that she was strong too! She already proved to be a good hunter didn't she? Maybe she could be a good fighter too if she proved she could fight the water and protect Ray's grassland! Yus...that was what she wanted to do. But...there was one little problem. She didn't want to get eaten by someone for trespassing, so almost right away her ears fell and she sat back down with a thud. "Huu...I almost forgot.."
