
I just wanna live well I'm alive



2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 03:33 AM

It wasn't until she snapped at him that he started to show the proper due to her monstrous appearance. With mud soaked through her coat until it was more brown then silver, and her face so thick with it she could feel dripping past her eyes and sticking to her noise she certainly looked the part! “Grr” she said again, waving a muddy paw through the air to add to the effect. When he called her a 'little queen' she raised her head, the picture of a haughty royal (abide one coated in mud) and her 'humph' was a little softer, and more accepting.

He would be very forthcoming with information once she had thought to actually ask a question and she lost her rigid posture and tilted her head, wide eyed and curious to learn more. Of course, the moment she realized she was relaxing, she was haughty and sharp eyed all over again. “Oh, a prince, is it?” she inquired, trying to smother her curiosity, or at least not to let it show. "I am Seraphiel Elementas of the Filli rank of Donostrea, son of Glacier Elementas, Ferax of Donostrea and Anais Carlier, PraeVilendis of Donostrea” she said in her most haughty tone. She was might impressed with herself just then, astonished and proud that she had managed to remember that entire amount of information and relay it all laid out and perfect like a perfect little queen. She was so self satisfied that she was wriggling in the mud, unaware that she was even doing so.

She didn't even bother to struggle to rise again, she could sit here in the mud and play the queen to this prince just fine as she was thank you. Of course, she couldn't yet decide if she would rather be a scary monster or a brilliant, beautiful little queen. It was a might hard decision to chose from, so she decided to add in a little growl at the end, to remind him that she was both.
