
Silver Bells



2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 03:43 AM

Sera could only beam when Silva confirmed that they where related. She liked the idea, even if it did only fuel her imagination that every wolf in the world was related to her in some way. Silva was nice, and not as old as all the other wolves in the pack. She was someone new and interesting to talk to and play with. Plus, if she was family surely that meant she was allowed on Dono and they could go off and play together. Maybe they could have sleep overs! They could get into trouble at night, she would be entertained on those times when she couldn't sleep... but she was really getting a head of herself now. She dialed back her excitement and filed it away to look upon at another time. She would have to speak to her daddy about it all first...

little Ray snorted at the description of their daddy's. If hers was as furious as Glacier maybe she didn't want to meet him. It was hard enough trying to have fun without her daddy spoiling, she couldn't imagine how hard it would be with two of them. Of course, the story about the water had taken over everything else and it was all the two girls could think about once it was mentioned. Silva's idea, once mentioned, was the most brilliant think she had ever heard and she bounced onto her paws in a heart beat, almost tripping over her huge feet. “Oh but that's perfect!' she agreed, trying to bounce on spot and not trip over her paws and keep herself all balanced and upright was quite a huge feet and took a lot of concentration. She almost didn't realize when Silva sat back down again and looked all forlorn and stuff. “What is it, whats wrong Silva? Come on! We gotta go prove we all big and strong and can fight the ocean too, come on!” she said again, pawing at the ground in front of Silva, a little worried at her friends sudden change in attitude. It wasn't that she didn't want to be best frineds with Ray right? Maybe she was scared of the ocean. “It isn't that big and scary, not really, I promise” she said, absolutely contradicting her earlier words.
