
I just wanna live well I'm alive



2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 04:45 AM

She smirked when he asked if she was disappointed. Well, perhaps it would have been nice to adopt him as her loyal subject, but having a prince dot on her was definitely and unexpected pleasure! His admission reassured her ego, through her eyes did study him for any hint of untruth. He really did seem to mean it however, and her boisterous grin returned with a bounce to her expression. She giggled and twitched her ear when his breath and words tickled it, and she shook her head to rid herself of the tickling sensation. Realizing what he was saying, she would sigh, resigned. She was very use to being scruffed at that point and compared to every other wolf she had ever met she was still tiny enough to be scruffed and even picked up.

She closed her brilliant sapphire eyes and waited for the familiar sensation, which came a moment later as she felt the skin and fur on the back of her neck gently pulled. At least he was nice about, her father could be a little rough when he was mad, through of course not once had his scruffing ever heart her - it was just the manner used when scruffing also told her ones mood, and it told her right now that Ren was a sweet and gentle thing. He pulled her from the mud and placed her on solid ground. She scrambled to her feet, trying not trip over her super large paws as she looked up at Ren. She sighed, he looked terribly giant still, even standing up. She lived in a world of giants... she could only console herself with the fact that Glacier was much bigger then Ren. “Where can I wash off?” she wanted to know, she sneaked off to explore, but she was so tiny and the prairie so vast she didn't know it very well yet.
