
I just wanna live well I'm alive



2 Years
01-07-2016, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2016, 01:11 AM by Ren.)
"You're already on the other side," he pointed out at her protest, a soft smile playing at the edges of his mouth. It seemed she hadn't realized that yet - but that as alright. He would wait patiently as she seemed to debate internally; he himself didn't see a problem with it; he was heir, and had the authority to allow her over into Borealis' land, and he'd stick with her the entire time, and then return her to Glacier. He definitely wouldn't let her wander off. He chuckled as she finally came to a decision - the decision to cross. He wasn't too surprised; he and his siblings had wandered off all the time, and would have loved the opportunity to explore a forbidden land. His smile widened at the term of address she used with him, and he would bow his head to her, eyes sparkling. "Indeed I will, little queen." He would then set off towards the spring- stepping delicately on the soggy ground. There were mud spots here and there, and the male would pause and look back at Seraphiel. "Step where I step, less mud," he advised before continuing, though at a slow pace due to her much smaller size. It would not take long to reach the stream... which looked a bit like a river at this point. He spitted a dip in it, where it was deeper, and he'd head for that spot. He stepped in gingerly, stepping in deeper than the little dip , so she wouldn't wander off. It should be just deep enough where she'd be able to duck under the water. "Step into the water, don't be afraid, it won't swallow you or anything - I'm here," he soothed, regardless if she was afraid or not.
