
I just wanna live well I'm alive



2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 04:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 05:45 PM by Seraphiel.)

He pointed out that she was already on the other side and she cast her eyes about I'm confusion. With so much mud stuck to her it was hard to smell much of anything but dirt. Ren must have put her down on the other side of the border when he scuffed her, she realized. She looked about the muddy grass and wrinkles her nose it didn't look any different to Donostrea! She thought with disappointment. She didn't know why she thought the land would magically look different the moment her paw crossed over but she was disappointed to learn the heat everything looked as similar and boring as her own territory.

He bowed is head and promised to lead the way and the young child giggled softly. It was obvious how much her manner had changed from their first moments of meeting till now. She didn't know why but she trusted this stranger completely and gravitated towards him. She liked spending time with him.

She followed after him, her wide curious eyes trying to find any sign that marked this land as unique and different to the one she left. Not really looking where she was going she ended up ankle deep in mud more the once before she followed Ren's advice and placed her paws where he did.
When they reached the stream she was amazed how small it was compared to the swollen beach she knew. She watched him walk into the water and would have balked at the last moment until he spoke. "I'm not afraid!" She said, sticking her head proudly in the air and smothering her fear. She would have taken taken a more delicate approach only Ren's words where a challenge to her and she stepped all four paws onto the water at the same time... and sank with a squeak, before her head was dragged under the water.