
Stuck In These Memories

Mercy I


5 Years

01-07-2016, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:15 PM by Evelyn.)

Visiting her old haunts wasn't as hard as it had been before. She walked around the Range with more ease, although her heart still beat slightly faster. Her pale paws came to rest beside a lump of earth, a soft sigh leaving her body as she pressed a single paw to it. This had been her old den, the one she shared with her parents. That is, until she went on a rampage and completely destroyed it. Mercy remembered well Valentine had claimed these parts, and just how angry she had been. Not that he had done it as a personal vendetta against her, he had no idea. She had been so afraid to see her mother and father here, but since she left she hadn't seen hide nor hair of them. Thankfully. She couldn't even stand seeing relatives, which seemed to be all over the place. Destruction's seemed to hump a lot with great results, until it came to her. But she wasn't a Destruction, not anymore. She was Mercy Gurrero, and she was her own wolf. No longer could places like this torment her, she had set out to make a new name for herself. Maybe that's why she was better in this area now, she could at least stand it somewhat. Elongated tail swept behind her slowly, purple gaze tearing away from the mound of dirt. It was time to move on from all of this.

The tall woman stepped over the pile of earth and softly brushed her tail against it, a tiny bit of fondness squeezing her chest. There were still some good memories here, as much as she hated to admit it. She had been happy until the stray puppies began to roll in. She hadn't been good enough for her mother. Othello had two perfectly fine, happy puppies at home, but still she felt the need to gather as many strays as she could. Obviously she was trying to fill some hole that her and Revenge just weren't good enough for her. That is where her anger and resentment had started. She hadn't always been a bitch, or a strong willed fighter. Mercy had been a normal child, afraid of storms, and eager to roam away from her parents. It was all their fault, all her fault. Maybe if her father hadn't gone around fucking other woman and truly loved his mother, it would all be okay.

Which is exactly what she was doing.

Ears pinned back to her skull as she kicked a stone, watching it fly. There was only one wolf that she loved like no other. Revenge. But did she fight to stay with him always? No. She went off and slept with half the world instead. Just like her father. No, no! Mercy snarled, her lips curling back and she slashed her paw out at a tree trunk, dull claws stripping a bit of bark off of it. "I am nothing like you!" She called out, hackles raising. Her tail lashed behind her, but her anger soon drained away. She fell to her rump, head hanging as tears gathered in her purple eyes. She had been fighting for her whole life to be nothing like her parents, and look at her. She was just as bad as they were...


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.