
Silver Bells



6 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 10:39 PM

When Silva called for him, the Titan was a little busy. His ratbag child had scampered off again and he was just... astonished. They where surrounded by family, and she still managed to sneak off unhindered! Perhaps he would have to set up an around the clock guard or her or something. Not that the pack could waste their time so easily, they had hunting and gathering and building to do well the Beach was off limits. He shook his head, a growing respect for Voltage in his chest – he had had the energy for similarly troublesome girls.

At last Glacier decided to head to the border to answer his call – if nothing else, Silva could help him find his lost child. His nose began to twitch the closer he got to Silva's position, the scent of.. of... “AH HA” he declared, victoriously, as he found his little girl. He pounced the child, who squealed and ducked, but was unable to avoid him. The titan flipped her over and blew raspberries on her stomach. “I should chain you to the den so you can't keep wondering off” he declared, before getting to his feet, and grinning at his guest. “Hey Silva, I see you've met one of my daughters. I should thank you, your call must have attracted her, and without it I might still be looking for an hour!” he said, turning a teasing glare to Ray. As he did so he looked back and forth between the two, and you could just about see the light-bulb flare in his eyes at a thought. “Silva! Our packs a little busy of late. Say, do you think your father could spare you a few days? You would be a life saver if you had the time to help me out with a little babysitting” he admitted.
