
Silver Bells



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 11:10 PM

Ray's obvious excitement and mild confusion tore at her. She wanted so badly to go and play with her, especially since she never really got to play with any of her own siblings before they all dispersed. Especially when half of them were sick or not around. Obscuro was blind, and Ganta was always helping him. Sheerrun was always a scaredy cat, and Shiro was always sick. Arcadios? Gods knew where she had disappeared to...and now she found someone she could actually play with, and when Ray told her the ocean wasn't that big or scary, Silva's tail set to wagging a little bit as she set to thinking. "Yeah but--" She wouldn't have the chance to tell Ray that she wasn't a part of the pack and couldn't roam freely around their lands like she could. For at that moment, Glacier would come roaming towards them and her eyes lit up. "Uncle Glacier!" Boy, was she ever so excited to see him!

He made a joke, or at least she hoped it was, about chaining Ray to the den. She laughed as he greeted her, her tail wagging more at the sight of the big blue giant. "Your funny!" She smiled as she stood up, her head tilting when she saw a certain look in his eyes before he asked her about babysitting. Oh! What a great idea! She eagerly nodded her head, oh this was so wonderful! "Oh yes! We were just talking about um.." Wait, could she tell him that? Naw, her and Ray were on a mission, and now maybe they could play tag and stuff while the adults were doing their adult things! "Well, we wanted to play! I'm sure my daddy won't mind, he's out doing adult things and trying to find us a new home." She strode forward, passing the borders just a bit to nuzzle Glacier's big tree trunk sized leg. "I'm happy to see you! It's so boring being a loner.."
