
Late For The Show, But Ready To Go!



11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-08-2016, 12:02 AM

He waited for what seemed long moments for an answer, his gaze flitting down to see his niece practically hiding beneath the pale man. He didn't blame her...she was afraid, and he was still new to her. Any child in their right mind would act the same way. As his gaze returned to Bass, he could see the mounting anger and agitation. Kakashi knew what the response would be before it was even said, and he should have expected as much. As Bass told him his thoughts, turning him down for taking guardianship over the girl, he would nod his head. He wasn't going to fight over it, that would only frighten her more and then if he did hypothetically win, she would probably see him as someone to hate for taking her away from the only world she knew. He watched in silence when Bass mentioned she could make her own decision when she got old enough, his muscles visibly tensing as he stood protectively over her.

While Kakashi was a little miffed, he understood completely. He wasn't pissed at Bass, it wasn't his fault or anyone else's but Quelt's. Kakashi had no idea when the kids were gonna be born, so he took a guess and that guess was way too late. Still, he had come to try. And now that their father wasn't here, he couldn't just leave and go on with his life. "Relax, I completely understand and I don't blame you." He took a deep breath as he thought. Now what? He couldn't take her, he didn't want to take her from her home, from her pack. Regardless, he wanted to be in her life so that she knew she wasn't completely abandoned. Despite the pack being there for her, they weren't blood related. And frankly, the only blood related family he had were Quelt and Pamela. Both disappeared. And now, Quake. Returning his gaze to Bass, he thought carefully about his next words. "I want to be there for her. My brother is a complete idiot, and I will apologize for him. I'll be sure to give him my own two cents about what he's done if I ever see him again. As it stands, I have no children of my own, no mate, and the only blood relatives I have are my own siblings who have disappeared, and now the girl. I can devote all the time and attention she needs, and be her guide and teacher."

Yes, he was in a different pack. But he didn't see any issue with him leaving. After all, there was nothing really keeping him in Borealis. Arian was dead, and Cypress had lost it. He wasn't close to anyone there, and his main role was teaching the pack how to defend themselves. But now, there were actually members there who were confident in themselves, he was sure they could do without him. "If you'll let me, that is. I have no problem leaving Borealis...there's nothing there for me anyway."
