
You Better Be Good To Me



04-18-2013, 05:35 PM

His head would swivel around he would face them all with certainty that he was making the proper decisions. His ears would flicker to the subtle blow of air that sifted by and his mind would come alive with thoughts of what was happening. And that, was when the peace broke. Erani's chords erupted into disheveled, disrespectful, rage and an angered look would become present in the sire's gaze. His lips would furl into aggression and as she spoke out he could feel his hackles begin to bristle. 'Cairo's rule...Cairo's time...Cairo...Cairo...Cairo' His thoughts of the man did not grow ill, no, not once, but immediately he was filled with the thoughts that there was no way Erani could ever usurp her obsession for the brunette ex-king.

Her consistent whining would become the bane of his existence, Soleil had not been nearly such a bitch while she was pregnant and Collision was going to put a stop to it. A deep growl rumbled through his chest as many others began to follow suit and speak out in rage his lyrics would finally burst with power and disappointment, "Silence!" His chest seems to vibrate and his eyes rage upon Erani, "You will bring things of order and vehemence like this to me in private. You are stripped of your rank, Erani, you can resonate as a civilian," It was the first time Collision had ever punished a member of Valhalla. It hurt him so.

"As for the rest of you," his gaze would carry, mostly, to Fenrir, at least initially, "This is, first of all, no longer Cairo's rule. Secondly, you seem to over-exaggerate our intent of slavery in Valhalla. We will not beat Neo, we will not condemn him to hell. He is merely going to be under careful watch. He will not be allowed to harm Valhalla further," His ears would pin back and he would sway his tail readily, "As for the Adravendi traditions, that you know nothing of, silence yourself. Cairo most definitely would have betrothed one of his daughters, it is not uncommon in our family. And why...have I chosen Chrysanthe to be married? Because, I know how powerful she is. I know how much she can bring to this pack. I know how strong she is. How dutiful and beautiful she is. She's more powerful than any of the Adravendi children, mentally, and I trust her with this more than anything. Epiphron, you doubt her skill as a leader? Perhaps you should spar her and see if you can stay on your own two feet? Amusingly enough she's come close to tripping me up a time or two. She's smart, quick, and I trust her more than anything to help Valhalla prosper,"

"Tortuga knows information that is otherwise questionable. I do not know the extent of what Neo has said against us, and I would rather be safe than sorry. I have three children, Fenrir. If they are dare threatened by a Tortugan, because I failed to protect this place, then it would fall on us all for failing. I have not once said 'let us charge into war' no, I merely said that we are enemies. I am not going to bring war unless they make the first step. You are excused, if you feel like discussing war tactics with me you may do so proceeding this meeting, because war is not on the table at the moment and I will not have civil unrest here," he would finish his words before he would ascend from the rock upon which he was perched and his eyes would lazily swing to Ookami as she also spoke out, "Valhalla does not handle slaves in a way that means I'll be tearing him limb from limb, and If i banish him, he'll just run back to Tortuga and further sever the bonds that keep Valhalla as a whole," she had committed no sin as there was nothing in her language that was condemning of himself, there were merely questions and suggestions, not a blatant disregard for her social standing.