
get tangled up in you



7 Years
01-08-2016, 06:43 PM
Solor laughed softly, she could be a spitfire all right. He examined her from where he stood, admiring how well and truly stuck she had managed to get. He could see even from here that her struggles had only dug her a deeper hole, so to speak. “Darn.” he said thoughtfully. “I didn't bring any snacks.”

Of course, the boy wasn't really heartless, even if he was enjoying the situation a little. He sighed as he stepped closer to her, careful not to brush up against the plant himself. “Congratulations. You've about as stuck as wolfly possible in there” he congratulated her. “Hold very still, please, I don't want bristles in my gums” he warned her. He started wit the easier bits. Her tail was only marginally caught at the end of a bush and a he delicately bit of the end of the branch before using his claws to untangle it. He moved on then to her face, knowing her body would be the hardest part. With a gentleness that might surprise he pulled a thorn free from her ear and licked at the tiny dot of blood, stemming the flow. He repeated the process around her neck, in places where he couldn't reach without getting himself stuck he was forced to brake branches and his gums weren't always lucky enough to find a position free of thorns. Licking his own blood occasionally he finally found his way to her chest and side, the parts worse off. It would take him more time then he liked to brake branches, and untangle her coat and well he was as gentle as possible occasionally he came away with a mouthful of fur, and likely another sore spot for Vail.

When at last she was free from the tree he paused, panting lightly. “Lie down. I need to get a few thorns out of your coat” he instructed.