
On Death and Dying

Finch I


4 Years

01-08-2016, 11:29 PM

Everything hurt. The bleeding on the top of her left shoulder had begun to slow, her entire left leg covered in the substance. Her breathing came out in shallow gasps, and every now and then her body twitched and convulsed, limbs flailing. It didn't allow the wound to sit still and close fully, her sporadic movements reopening the moderate wound. Soft whimpers left her maw as her dreams grew darker yet, long, thin creatures poking and prodding at her fallen form. She tried to move away from them but she was rooted in place. In her nightmares she couldn't close her eyes to the demons as they raked their smoky tendrils down her bodice, laughing as she fought to recoil but couldn't move. Everything was a hazy mist, a shuttering gasp leaving her maw. Her face was contorted into one of silent horror, the usually sweet girl was trapped under so much darkness. It weighed down her innocent soul, threatening to crack and shatter it all. The poison had done a number on her mind as well as her body, at at the moment she felt herself wishing death. She wished that the shadow demons would just swallow her up, just like they threatened to do. She wished she was brave enough to fight against them and stand up, daring them to take her on. But instead she was stuck on the cold, hard ground, not even having the strength to look away. Before her very eyes the shadow demons killed her family, pulled them apart one by one as she was forced to watch. Outside of her dreams her body twitched violently, sending her back end slamming into the rock wall again. There were a series of cuts and bruised along her spine and right side from pushing into the rocks, from her body moving on its own will. A pile of bile sat not far from her head, but she couldn't even smell it. Everything was so cold, so frozen.