
To Hell in a Blizzard



5 Years
01-08-2016, 11:48 PM

She could hear the touch of sharpness in his voice as he repeated his name, and Serefina's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. It would seem that they were both trying their best to stay calm, so she let it go with a short huff. There was no need for him to get snippy, she just wanted to make sure that she had his name right before she went and called him something else. When she proposed the nickname of Basil, though, he seemed to struggle over it for a moment. But he shrugged his shoulders and agreed to it, making her nod her head slightly. "If you want, you can call me Sere. That way we are even." She said, even though she was pretty sure that he wasn't going to get anything. Dammit all, why couldn't everything just speak the same language? It would make her life a lot easier, and less like she was tip toeing around his barrier. She didn't want to insult the handsome brute, but she could feel her patience slipping. Closing her ember eyes she took a few sturdy breaths.

When he spoke again her eyes slipped open, falling on his black and rust form. He questioned her word, even followed her gaze outside, but it was very clear that he had no idea what she meant. A loud sigh left her mouth as she tried to think of another way to word herself, tail slapping against the cold ground. "Is this home?" She asked, picking up a paw and gesturing to the cave. "Home?" she reiterated, really feeling stupid at this point. Serefina was really at a loss of what else to do though. They were trying to carry on a conversation without very much understanding of each other, and it was clear that it was frustrating on both ends. Since she was stuck in this cave until the storm blew over, she at least wanted to try to keep talking to him. Sitting here in utter silence was just so... boring. Sure, she could try to come on to him and they could keep warm another way, but she was unsure if she wanted to seduce a stranger like that. It would be nice to warm up though...

She shook her head, focusing once more on the brute before her. He looked really confused at first, just like she had a feeling he would. No, she wasn't angry, but it was the best way that she could think of to get her message across. She wasn't the best actor, but it was better than nothing! He stood and did the same thing as her, uttering a single word. She guessed that that is what fight meant in his language, and she matched his smile as he sat back down. Yes, they were getting somewhere! "Yes, I combattente." The woman barked happily, trying to use his word like he had used hers. She most likely butchered it, but it was something. As soon as the interest was found though, it died off. She didn't know what to add to that, and shuffled slightly. "You good at combattente?" She added, trying to keep the ball rolling.
