
On Death and Dying



5 Years
01-09-2016, 12:10 AM
Delicate wings beat against the sky, wind licking each of her feathers in turn. She manuevered the sky like a fish, the sea. This was her domain, her place to fly. But it wasn't a little vacation from her broody wolfson, instead...instead, this was a request. She had to find her friend's wolfdaughter, who had been missing for quite sometime. She just couldn't say no to those big blue eyes of her growing boy, really. So she flew, while Starling followed in his earth bound form. He was slow, but it was to be expected.

They searched, endlessly. He seemed frantic, so she couldn't stop. Besides, flying was easier for her than sticking around him sometimes. But he had a heart of gold, even if his confidence wasn't the greatest. Slowly she fluttered before, suddenly, her eyes caught movement. Way down, a flicker of white and then a strange impact. Swooping down, she stared at the bird from a distance before a loud, indignant squawk burst from her lungs. Starling would look up at her as she spun in the sky, before suddenly swooping towards the movement, and his gaze would quickly follow. What he saw...he was not prepared for. Finch. The first thing that hit him was sheer panic, as she seemed to flail. Something was wrong with her...

Quickly lifting his head to the heavens he called, loudly, powerfully, for his family. He needed help, but he needed to get to his sister. Stella would swoop down, hovering close to him with gentle beats of her wings. "Vai a cercare il papĂ , o qualcuno ..." He said quickly, and in an instant his bird was gone. He quickly bounded down, finding the best path to her, and when he was on her he was almost...calm. Blue eyes swept her form, watching her twitch and recoil, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. His eyes swept the bile, and he looked back to her so quickly. Whatever it was causing some nausea, flailing. "F-Finch! Finch c-can you hear me?" He asked in a rush, reaching out for her. He needed to get her away from the rock, needed to get her to be still. He needed her conscious, needed to know if she had eaten something she shouldn't have. And dear lord, he needed his herbs. He just hoped someone would come, and soon. He couldn't do this alone.

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