
Checking In



04-18-2013, 08:18 PM

So much has happened in the last couple of days. Loccian was able to get Bronze to join Seracia, something that made her really happy. She would be able to keep an eye on his healing progress which was going very well and had healed up really nicely over the days. She would come and change the herbs every couple of hours, sometimes leaving them open to let the wounds breathe. She was really enjoying his company, she had somebody she could talk to now and din't feel like a bother. Well, sometimes she would be he would always assure her that she was no bother. Besides him the pack got quite a bit of news, Lady Adette had split from the king and left Seracia, an alliance was being formed with Ludicael and they would be arriving in their lands in a matter of days, an alliance was also being formed with the nearby pack Valhalla by an arranged marriage between their beta and the prince, Maverick. The ranking system had been changed, Loccian being given a high up rank along with her brother. Kamala was named Duchess and Sir Gideon the Duke.

A heavy sigh escaped the shewolf's lips, standing in the entrance of her den, grey orbs looking up to the sky. The sky was blanketed in grey clouds and there was a slight chill in the air. She had no duties for the day, and her herbs were stocked up, so she had no need to go out to find more. That caused an idea to pop up, she could go see how Bronze was doing. It had been a week or two since he had joined and he seemed to be doing well, she should check on him and see what he thinks of the place, maybe strike up a conversation or go out and do something.

Loccian left her den, making her way between the large boulders, paws moving silently and grey gaze scanning over the entrances of dens to see if anybody was up. By the looks of it some were empty and others had sleeping wolves that were most likely avoiding the ugly weather. After a bit she moved away from the main dens, her tail flicking behind her as she made her way to Bronze's more isolated one. A few minutes passed and she was there, slowly making her way towards the entrance but stopped just before it. She cleared her throat, grey gaze looking inside to see his body curled up in the back. Br... Bronze? Are you up? She asked softly but loud enough so he could hear, not a yell, regular level. She didn't want to intrude so she stayed there standing in the entrance, head low, waiting.
