
till dawn


01-09-2016, 03:47 PM

Light glimmered of the glaciers and the vastness of the frozen tundra. The expanse of snow seeming to glow eerily in the moonlight and the shimmering tendrils of the northern lights. Duvká was watching the lights quietly, feeling safer in the open tundra than the creepy forests he'd explored farther south. He was almost certain he'd run into jiettanas in that place. The cannabalistic giants weren't creatures he wanted to meet when he was alone but if he was back with more of the Jarvela it might be worth it to bring one down. They could feed the tribe for weeks and he'd heard rumors that their stomachs were filled with gold and silver… though he didn't really believe this. Why would their stomachs be filled with such things? But he could not deny he was curious.

Slowly the sun would tip over the horizon, spilling its pastel light onto the terra. Duvká took a deep breath. While others might see the tundra as a dead place he could feel the life in the earth and air around him. It was a truely breath-taking place. Crimson eyes narrowed though as he noticed a lone form scaling one of the glaciers, coming closer to him. Instinctively Duvká dropped down but as the form neared he recognized the tusks and reddish markings. At first he was certain his eyes were deceiving him but as the form before him vanished neither into the air or into the ice he could only conclude that it was real. "Áki? On se todella sinä?"
