
Challenge accepted!



6 Years
Extra large

01-09-2016, 04:13 PM

After plopping down in the mud Rhys' gaze rose heavenward. She stared up into the trees with devilish intent. Up in the branches of the closest one chattered a very obnoxious squirrel. He'd had the audacity to skitter around her and flick his big ole twitchy tail in her direction. Clearly he wanted to go, but when she went to take him up on his challenge and lunged at him the little coward had promptly turned tail and raced up a tree. She'd barked at him and then gone back to what she was doing and wouldn't you know it, a few minutes later the squirrel was back again. The process had repeated itself a couple of times before Rhys decided to do something about it.

Backing up several paces Rhys paused to look the tree over. She could clearly see the squirrel up above. The pup made a face at him and in response the squirrel flicked its tail tauntingly. Yep. It was so dead. She was going to eat it.

Flinging herself forward Rhys lunged at the tree trunk. She'd seen plenty of squirrels climbs trees so how hard could it be? That little tree rat wouldn't know what hit him! She hit the base hard, momentum carrying her several feet up before she started to slip. Panicking a little, Rhys bit at the bark in an effort to hang on. It was all in vain; each bite she took flaked off and in a matter of heartbeats she was back on the ground with nothing but scraped paws and a mouthful of bark to show for her efforts.

Spitting splinters everywhere, Rhys glared up at the squirrel. The squirrel - curse him - stared down at her with amusement glittering in his beady little eyes. So. DEAD. If his skull wasn't so tiny she'd wear it to warn off all the other squirrels who might think taunting puppies was fun.

Her eyes never left the squirrel as she backed up once again. This time instead of just charging forward Rhys prepared herself. Her mouth set in a straight line and her brow furrowed with determination as she kicked dirt out behind her in preparation of the coming charge. She crouched down just a little - rump wiggling - and then sprung forward with all the force she could muster. Rhys raced towards the tree and then flung herself up it, paws scrabbling for purchase as she quickly ascended several feet. She climbed higher than the first time and this time when she felt her momentum beginning to wane, Rhys gave one final thrust upwards as she lunged for the nearest branch. Seizing it - holy crap she actually got it! Take that, squirrel! - Rhys bit down as hard as she could. It was just in time too, because in an instant her momentum was gone and her paws lost their grip. Feeling victorious she wiggled happily and it took a second for her predicament to set in. Now what?

"Talk" "You" Think