
Why are there stars?



5 Years
01-09-2016, 06:26 PM

When the girl seemed to jump on the tidbit of information that Astrea gave the girl, so full of energy that child was. So unlike herself and Glacier, both Astrea and her brother where a calm presences and at least in her case kept to herself most days. Astrea also knew that no element was the same, some needed the close affection of the family, like Voltage and Locha seemed to, while others, like herself and Arcus needed space unless it was on their terms. Meaning Astrea will touch and nuzzle but she was not actively looking for it, and as far as she could tell this child seemed to be the same. Not once did the pup touch her and came no closer then a foot from her. So instead of moving closer to the child like she maybe would have with Voltage she stayed where she lay, and when the child moved to her front to look the Star Dreamer in the eye Astrea lowered her head, regarding the child silently. "Yes none of the others can say they are the youngest but trust me in this little Ray, having nine older siblings they can be... overprotective and frustrating." She smiled at that, yes that was defiantly the case with Volt and Glacier, that was one of the reasons she had not told them that she planed to leave on her journey last year.

When the child's eyes again raised to the sky Astrea was filled with curiosity, why was she so drawn to them? If Ray had been her pup she would know why, they stars would no doubt call to them as they call to her. But this girl? Glacier's child? She had no idea, maybe she just liked them, but with this family liking something generally was a byproduct of their inborn connections to whatever energy filled them. Before she would start with her story she had to see what the child saw when she looked up at the sky. "What draws your gaze, little Ray?" Astrea head on her paws regarded the girl and then took a breath, whether the child would answer her question or not she would began her story. "This is a story that is close to us and the family, it is what makes us who we are, little Ray, listen closely, for if you understand it you may understand yourself."

With that Astrea started, hoping the child would understand what Astrea was going to explained to her in the story, it was a story of the family, one the prophetess unlocked and helped her work through when she spent that month on the island of her birth. "There once where two lonely Stars in the sky. So lonely that together made two New Stars. They loved the New Stars like no other, they felt pride and joy for them but darkness lurked close. The Darkness grew jealous of the family of Stars, they wanted the light that flowed from them, wanted the warmth... Seeing the danger that lurked in the Darkness the Parent Stars grew fearful that the Darkness would come after the young Stars. With much pain the Parent Stars sent the First Litter away. Saddened by the loss of the First Litter, the Parent Stars grew lonely again. They could not help make more Stars. But like the First, the Second drew the notes of the Darkness, so the Parent Stars where again forced to part with the Second Litter. But as a parting gift they gave the young something special to connect them to the universe."

Astrea took a breath again feeling the power that surrounded her every time she thought of this history that was shown to her. It was a dream quest of sorts, one the blind wolf had guided her through. The power caressed her as she continued the story, like it was telling her that it was truth and right to tell this child this very story. "The First had also, though unintentionally, received this gift before they had been scent away. The Eldest of the two from the First Litter was as Unmovable as ice, a protector, a shield and foundation. The second was filled with great energies, feed by the power of the universe itself. The Second Litter came the four Elementals. One was as bright and hot as fire, another as calm and easygoing as air. The third as gentle and caring as the earth. The last as flowing and persuasive as water."

"With the gifts the Second was scent away as the First. But this time the Parent Stars felt the approach of the First. They where still sad to see their young leave them but they knew that it was for the best, the First would care for the Second. They knew the the First would protect the Second where they where unable to."

With a deep breath Astrea was about to get into the last leg of this story, the most important bit of it. She looked up at the sky, thinking about the dream quest, everything she saw was indeed of stars being born and leaving, but even though they had all been stars to her eyes she felt the energy of each of her siblings, Astrea KNEW that that story, that dream quest, was about her and her family... And her parents knew that they may have been in danger... "The Parent Stars knew that the Darkness would come for them soon, knew that their light was going to be snuffed. So they made one last litter of Stars. The first of the Third was the darkest Star of all. A swirling mess of clouds and emotions, but deep in its center was a calm like no other. Next came Twin Stars, one a gentle glow of the reflected light of the other, they both would be incomplete without the other as they balanced one another."

Without a pause Astrea continued onto the part that spoke of herself. "The last was different than the others. The Parent Stars knew that their young needed a guide. One that lived in the dark but thrived in the light. So they gave this last Star the most challenging gift of them all. It was the gift of the universe itself. They had known what this would do to the child. The youngest Star, unlike the others, would feel a disconnect with the young's home, like a piece was gone from the Stars very soul. But even knowing that the Parent Stars felt that the youngest Star was strong enough to carry this burden and guide the family as best as the youngest Star could." Astrea wished to live up to that thought, she hoped her parents where not wrong. Astrea looked down from the stars then and looked into the young face of her only audience.

"And like the first two Litters the Parent Stars scent the Third away, again feeling the approach of the First. Fill with great sorrow but even more hope the Parent Stars knew the Darkness would come; but knowing that they young Stars where safe with the others filled them with calm like nothing else could. The end would come but they would die with peace in their minds..."

Astrea let her voice trail feeling the ending moment then, in her dream quest she saw the darkness swallow the two bright stars, and when it had passed nothing was left of them... Not even the connection that was there before with the ten young Stars... Emotions filled Astrea as she tried to disconnect herself form the story and the memory of the dream that she had that night and the dreams that still fills some of her nights. The dreams of darkness as it covered her own star like it did to the Parent Stars in the story, tried not to let the pain and fear fill her eyes as she looked at the child. Would little Seraphiel understand that this was a story of her father and aunts and uncles?

"Even with the separation from the Parent Stars, the First, Second, and Third Litters still curried the gifts they gave to them. So much so that the energies that ruled their nature and souls even pass to the next generation. A gift of love that will carry through time itself." With that Astrea grew quite, even if little Seraphiel does not fully understands that this was a story about herself and her family now she may in the future, maybe then she would not be so troubled by the pull and connection that the first two of this generation was, and that was all Astrea hoped for.