
in my dark times


01-09-2016, 09:27 PM
She blew a hot puff of air through her nostrils and grunted in displeasure. Nose to the ground, she circled while taking in all the scents her nose came across. She had just been on the trail of potential prey, but lost it here in this spot. Stopping she turned and strode forward going back towards the direction she came from. It was quite a few steps until she hit the trail again, but found herself confused again. The scent trail did not go any further, it stopped right where she had lost it. Snorting again she lifted her head and let her bright blue eyes look around. What had happened to the creature? Looking around she tried to figure out where the creature had went. It wasn't open enough in this spot for a bird to have snatched it and she knew it was a creature that could fly. Looking to the ground, she couldn't see a hole for it to crawl in so she was completely confused. Growling in frustration the female sat down, her eyes going back over the area looking for clues that she may have missed. She waited for a bit as her mind rambled over the options of what she would do next.