
It fills you with determination



5 Years
01-09-2016, 10:14 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Too much change had happened too fast. Firstly, her family had grown. Gale was an aunt once more, and the concept still both made her skin crawl and made her curious where these new additions would fit into the big scheme of their tight-knit group. Second, flooding had driven the whole of them out and away from the beach, the part of their territory that had previously been the heart of all operations. And third, a combination fact, it was Gale's birth season. She was officially five years old, and once more in heat.

She could not say what caused the most discomfort, her age or the condition that came with another birthday, but she could hardly stand still. As with the previous seasons, she confined herself to the pack lands - only one of which was accessible to her currently - and busied herself with simple tasks. Border patrols and races across the prairie were her staple activities, ways in which she attempted to burn off as much energy as she could, with the occasional impromptu hunt thrown in whenever her mad dashes through the grassy hills flushed out a frightened target.

Because she was eager to have the beach returned to her, she also made regular trips to the border between the two territories, awaiting the moment when she would find the waters receded and their dens exposed. Today was not that day, and though she was disappointed Gale raced with an easy lope back toward where her family had been camping, only for an unknown voice to grip her attention and shift her course toward the border. These might not have been the best conditions under which to meet someone, but it beat wandering around until she found some new way to make herself useful.

As she ran into view of the stranger, she noticed immediately the contrast in light and dark that played across the coloration of his coat. It seemed almost as if he had dipped his front half within a dark substance that stuck to his fur, though the marks beneath his eyes seemed to tell otherwise. Likely due to her condition, she noticed too his lean shape that still somehow had an oddly appealing nature. Gods, she was ready for this season to be over. Mustering a half smile that unfortunately did not yet touch her pale, grey-green eyes, Gale slowed, stopped across from the male on her side of the border, and addressed him with a natural, easy casualness. "Hey, Stranger. What brings you to Donostrea?"