
When the world turns its back on you



6 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 01:42 AM
They had been in the Prairie land for a few days now, and in such and short amount of time his little ray had managed to get up to an endless list of trouble. He was constantly tuning about after her, yanking her away from the waters edge and moment before she was set to topple in (she insisted she was only going to touch it with a paw, but he had seen that her balance was only a moment away from upsetting) she had already found the border and got a stern lecture about crossing it and managed to worm her way into the hearts of at least half his siblings. She might have been running him raggid but he certainly kept his eyes on rory as well, and what he saw troubled him. She hadn't learned to speak yet - a matter that hadn't troubled him so much well they where still too young to leave the den. After all, Sera seemed to be racing ahead and everything and it was plausible that her sister would amble along after her at her own pace.

Now however, with Sera laying out complex sentences and reaching quick logic as well as her quick responses to, well... everything he was definitely beginning to worry. She hadn't spoken past mumbling, never responded when spoken to and didn't half half of Sera's curiosity. It might be only a few days into their time on the Prairie but it well past time he found out what was wrong so she could help her - and he dearly hoped it was little more then shock at their sudden change in scenery. It would be an aid he would talk to soon, taking her a step away from where their children rested. "My love... im concerned that... well.. aurora hasn't learned to speak yet" he said softly.