
Lost Souls



5 Years
01-10-2016, 01:50 PM
Despite her continuous searching the nymph still hasn't found her missing wolverine companion. It's been almost two weeks now, and there were no signs of him anywhere in Alacritis. It greatly saddens her, and she was beginning to think the worst. Death or theft heavily burdens her mind. He was an excellent fighter, and certainly a valuable asset to any wolf in need of a companion.  She wouldn't be too surprised if someone had swooped him up in the night to make him their own. Even though the search seemed hopeless at this point, she would never give up. Even if she found him in pieces she needed to get an answer.

The babe isn't in as bad of shape as she was last week. She knows she needs rest, food and water to keep herself going, so she doesn't neglect her body's cravings. The week before she had gone days without eating or sleeping, and it had taken a heavy tole on her small body. She didn't want to make that mistake again.

So when a lake appears on the horizon she doesn't hesitate. She's pretty thirty, so a drink and quick dip in the water is irresistible. She makes her way toward it quickly, her tongue swiping across her fangs as she thinks about how refreshing this will be. Apollyon hangs around her neck, the serpents beady eyes searching their surroundings for any other animals.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"