

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2016, 10:03 PM by Birna I.)
*curses lightly at Laz*

Name: Vincenzo Bernini
Nickname:  Vinny
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Rank: Soldato
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Personality: Site minimum, please

Vincenzo is a man of practical skills, interested in picking up anything that might further his ambitions and leaving everything else by the way side.  He is constantly trying to improve and is a hard-working, determined individual.  While Vinny is known to be a moody and passionate in his personal life, on the job he is careful and cautious.  He's not fond of bravado or risks and is the type to work quietly and surely without drawing to much attention to himself.  Most of the time.  It's through practice and training he's gotten a handle on the emotional side of himself but every so often that side can come rearing out in a force of wrathful violence.

For Vincenzo to be interested in a job it has to have a solid grounding and be well thought out.  Vague concepts, ideas, goals will not go far with him.  When he has a job he tends to ignore the clock and just work away quietly without much fuss and without wasting time.  He prides himself on being both efficient and successful.  Vinny is the type of mafioso that once he's settled on a job he's all in, commitment comes naturally to him and there are rarely any second thoughts until the job is complete.  Trustworthy, dependent and punctual Vincenzo can always be counted on to fulfill a contract.

While Vincenzo comes across as a cool customer upon first meeting after awhile those that get to know him will see his humorous and affectionate side.  He's a laid-back individual who very much sees the Fratelli Rossi as a band of brothers.  Sometimes he can take this to far and push into others boundaries but it almost always comes from concern and genuine caring about the fellows he sees as his family.  He is very loyal and will never let anyone down once he's given his word.  

Like many of his fellows Vinny is a perceptive man and a great judge of character.  He's not blind to the way that others are manipulative and secretive to get their way and his naturally suspicious nature aids him in this.  He can usually work out what these types are up to and will take steps not to get embroiled in another's poorly planned scheme.  

It's not surprising that Vinny's rough upbringing had an effect on him.  He learned early to be self-sufficient and to deal with being alone.  He feels that this has taught him to be strong and he's wary of asking for help from others both personally and on the job.  Of course when it comes to work Vincenzo also likes to take full credit for the goals he's achieved and isn't fond of sharing glory.  In general though Vinny's past has left him rather pessimistic when it comes to life.  He's a glass half-empty type of individual though he's not totally hopeless.  He prefers to hope for the best but expect the worst when it comes to life.  Vincenzo's upbringing has taught him to be resilient and to weather the storms of life and come out with his strength in tact.  It's not in his nature to give up easily and Vinny just gets emotionally stronger the more challenges are thrown in his way.


Cloaked in an handsome pelt of velour black and bearing several noticeable scars Vincenzo is a man that appears both elegant and brutish. His thick ebony pelt is marked by a ruff of pure white around the base of his neck that flows gently between his shoulder blades. The same color marks his chest and underbelly and a set of white 'spats' colors each of his paws, leaving his toes black. From the rich, dark fur of his face peers a set of citrine eyes that appear mostly gold but around his pupils is a ring of vibrant red-orange that seems to set his entire gaze ablaze.

While his eyes and pelt speak of well-groomed class his body is closer to that of a bruiser. He bears several noticeable scars from his fights in the ring as well as work and personal affairs. The first scar and the largest one is a band going from about mid-back on his left side an inch or two down from his spine that carries on horizontally ending at the top of his left him. The second set and one of the most significant to Vinny personally are two jagged scars that start almost at each corner of his left eye and trace down over his cheek. The third set is another band of two scars, a few inches apart across the middle front of his upper left arm.

History: 100+ words
Born to immigrant parents in a somewhat unforgiving land Vincenzo was used to being at the bottom of the totem pole and struggling to make ends meet. He had no connections to the mafia, their existence rarely ever entered his thoughts as anything other than "someone else's problem". Vincenzo's home life was not good and the boy found himself constantly dealing with inner rage. As he grew, he trained and excelled in street fighting. Vinny took to participating in illegal fighting rings to earn enough kill to keep his family fed. Though they were hunters most of the kill went to those they hunted for. It was in these fights Vincenzo earned his first set of scars. In the ring he was an emotional man prone to wearing his feelings on his sleeves and venting his anger with his fangs in graceless, barbaric matches. To be perfectly honest he was a far-cry from the suave, precise brutality of the mafia. Until something in him caught someone's eye...

Enrico approached Vincenzo after a particularly violent match. The two had seen each other before, exchanged words and drinks here and there but as Vinny was tending to his wounds the other man propositioned him. There was much to think about but in the end it was an easy decision for Vincenzo. He had little going for him with a wrecked home life and a job that wasn't enough to support him and he'd already been immersed in the criminal underground.

The grunt work was simple enough, the threatening, the physical brutality but it took Vinny awhile to pin down the mannerisms that were expected of him as well as the more strategic jobs. He was a hungry learner, taking in everything he could from Enrico, working hard to better himself and to please the man he saw as an elder brother. With patience and blood Vincenzo soon became a model mafioso. His trial was one he meditated on long and hard, ever since he took up Enrico's offer he knew what he'd have to do. It's amazing though how one can justify anything and Vinny did just that. When he learned his target he studied them carefully, working in his own thoughts his own story so that when the time came he was unflinching. The job went down smoothly and quietly, the only sign of anything going awry were the two nasty cuts left on the left side of Vinny's face. A constant reminder of the crime he'd committed. One of many. At times it's a mark of shame and at others a mark of pride and for the most part he's seen it as the physical representation of the oath he's taken for his brothers.

There was a point in his life where Vincenzo was finally beginning to see the glass of life as half full, where he was beginning to grow optimistic. Then Enrico betrayed the Fratelli Rossi and pillar after pillar of the life he'd made came crashing down, everything descended rapidly into chaos and Vincenzo struggled to come to terms with recent events in his life. He was fiercely loyal to his brothers and he expected, no was sure, that everyone else felt the same. The betrayal was unimaginable, unprecedented and it cut Vincenzo down to his core and when the order came down that Enrico was to be slain he felt conflicted. Part of him still loved the man he thought of as an older brother and was certain there was a misunderstanding. He couldn't imagine killing the man. Yet, another part of him was beyond wrathful and was almost jealous that the order had been given to Basileus. Vincenzo remained and struggled to help the Fratelli Rossi stay on its feet but one by one the higher-ups were cut down and everyone was beginning to lose hope. Vincenzo now journeys to Alacritis on the trail of Basileus with grim news of the state of the Fratelli Rossi.

Plans: Vincenzo is seeking to find Basil to deliver him news of the state of the Fratelli Rossi. Afterwards he will desire to assist Basil in anyway necessary in his mission as well as keeping an eye out for a possible location to start again should it be deemed improbable to re-establish the Fratelli Rossi in it's previous location.
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