
get tangled up in you



7 Years
01-10-2016, 10:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2016, 02:52 AM by Solor.)


She would call him impossible, and his grin was gleeful. Poor thing,she only got to witness half his humor, the second half was all in his features. "That's me" he agreed easily "The impossible man" teasing her was swift and rewarding, watching a blind wolf glare was comedy enough and he wished he had brought along some snacks ao he could sit there and laugh at her. He missed stirring up his sister, through she was use to his ways and it was far more difficult to get on her nerves - through when he succeed it was perhaps even more rewarding.

She agreed to his props to be led to his location through grudgingly, stubbornly and of course with all of her independence attached. He nodded his head, once again not treating a blind person as they aught to and said "As my sweet rose desires" in acceptance. He started up a light pace through the the territory. It was blind luck he had found this place he was taking her to, having given a rudimentary search for his sister before finding the blind wolf. They would be walking for a little way, it was on a different part of the island and he wouldn't try to engage his prickly friend in conversation along the way. When they at last reached his destination he stopped before a cave and cast a glance over to Vail, his eyes dancing a merry tune as he spoke. "Be careful... its dark" he managed to keep his laughter to himself, mostly.

Entering the dark cavern was done slowly, he wasn't nearly as accustomed to being blind as his companion was. Here she probably had the uper hand as he was forced to hug the wall to make his way to the one tunnel he sought. When he entered he slowed his breathing and kept quiet, wondering if she would be able to see the little lights that danced along the ceiling or hear the soft buzzing of the fireflies. Certainly she would hear the gurgle of water of the hot spring that took up most of the cavern. "Keep to the left" his voice was barely a breath beside her ear as he led her along to a spot that rose slightly above the ground. They had the fireflies above and before them and a larger pool of water behind them, a small and ankle deep one before them that glinted with the dancing light bugs. The ground beneath their feet was warm, pleasantly so rather then hot. He rested his head on his arms and simply... listened. After all, that was the point of bringing a blind wolf here.