



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2016, 09:23 PM by Silva.)

[Image: 6oU9Nxh.png?1]

Name: Luciana "Morticia" Acerbi
Gender: Female
Age: 2yrs
Rank: Associate
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Heart of Steel
The black beauty is a creature void of emotion. Blood painted eyes show no soul, no compassion, no kindness, nor for those in her immediate family. She is a soldier through and through, and it is through who she is that she is able to do what must be done. She feels no need to love another creature. Instead, she will use her charm and good looks to lure in a man to get the information she so desires by any means necessary. She is not above playing dirty if she must, but she would rather act like a proper lady...until you deny her what she wants, then it's gloves off.

Fiercely Loyal
Despite her lack of emotions, loyalty is a trait that is written deeply into her code. She sticks by her grand and beloved family no matter what. She follows without question, obeys without a second thought. Loyalty to her family and the clan comes first and foremost, and she would never do anything to compromise any information about her own. Let it be said, that should she find out anyone has betrayed the family, she will often be the first to get rid of the rat problem.

Luciana is a lover of the shadows, a fondness for all things morbid, gloomy, and especially carnage. While she doesn't actively seek to partake in tearing someone from limb to limb or roll in the entrails of her enemies, she does enjoy a good show if it is provided to her. the woman is indifferent to the pleading and begging of her target, there was a reason they were put in the position after all. She likes to travel by night, preferring to avoid the sun as much as she can because of light sensitivity. And also because she hates frilly, flowery, and bright sunny days her, it's simply too /cheery/ for her tastes.

Cold & Calculating
The woman, as has been noted, is cold to the core. She feels no warmth towards others, not even children. While she won't outright harm a child for no reason, she will do so if it is part of her job. That said, she will do so in a manner quick and precise. Younger targets will get a quick and clean snuff, as will her older targets unless otherwise said. The woman bears no love nor moral compass when it comes to her job, because she feels that such things will only get in the way from doing what needs to be done. While she is not completely heartless, she may be capable of a very itty bitty fraction of compassion...or pity, for abandoned kids. However, those she takes under her wing are trained in the ways of the Mafioso.

Being a woman in the mafia, Luciana has learned that it is quite difficult to find acceptance among the rest. This has resulted in many of her negative traits, but it does not stop her from trying to rise to the top. She has a reputation for doing the dirtiest of jobs, the stuff that nobody else wants to do. No matter what it is, she will do it if only to further prove her loyalty and her abilities. She cares not what others say, she simply offers a somewhat sarcastic if not coy smile, along with a shrug of her shoulders and continues with her day.

Topping off her egotistical personality, the woman is in all ways vain. She enjoys compliments here and there, and they will be met with either a smile and a curt thank you because she knows she deserves it, or a curt "Hmph" because it's expected. Depending on what mood she's in, could grant either one of those responses. She also takes great care of herself, not too heavy nor too skinny but a perfect balance in between. She keeps herself clean and sharp, constant grooming on her part.

Built with a sleek and feminine frame, the night hunter is one who is not to be underestimated. Standing at 35" tall with a slim but well toned frame, Luciana is a woman who takes pride in her work and uses her feminine features to her advantage. Long slender legs hold up a well built bodice, curves in all the right places and a plush tail make her frame. Raven swept fur blankets the woman, soft and well groomed at all times. Her face is blanketed in a soft white, as are the top half of her ears and her forelegs as well as her chest. A cold soul stares through eyes that are as red as blood, cold and sinister almost. Always void of emotion, and void of any indication of what she might do next. Black encircles her eyes like eyeliner, a befitting image of a proud woman. That being said, she holds her head high in pride.

Born in the northlands to rogue parents and one brother. The best times of her life, if one were to ask, was during her puphood. Before the chaos, before her life was ruined. She and her brother were close, as rogues, they wandered the mountains and helped each other survive when their parents were off on hunting trips where they were away for days, or sometimes weeks. Yes...those were the better days. The days she felt connected, happy, the days where she loved. However, shortly before turning a year old, tragedy struck. She and her brother were standing atop their favorite perch overlooking the valley, below them were their mother and father coming back from a caribou tracking. As they watched with wagging tails, they soon descended to go meet them. Soon, they were to go on a great adventure! They were to go across miles and miles of new lands and end the journey where the caribou were.

As Luciana and her brother reached the bottom of the mountain, they were immediately stopped by sheer shock and horror. Their mother and father were in a fight for their lives against a large pack, but it would end with the death of their parents. As they watched them fall, they would be spotted as well. And before they knew it, they were running for their lives back up the mountain side. Luciana ran as fast as she could, her brother keeping up behind her. The further up they went, the more they realized they would become trapped and cornered. Her brother realizing this, stopped them for no more then a minute as he devised a plan to lure away the attackers so she could escape. No matter how much she begged and pleaded to stay together, her brother would give her a final kiss and an "I love you" before turning around and heading back down the mountain. That was the last she saw of him.

After that life altering event, she knew she needed to run. She knew she needed to get away. The pack would track her, and so she ran and she ran until she couldn't run anymore. That was when she found them. A pack that would be her saving grace. Little did she know that it was controlled by the mafioso, but eventually she would find out. Upon turning a year old, a man by the name of Adamo had an eye on her, and soon introduced her into the life of the Clan. From there, her life would make a sharp turn as she completed jobs and served those who she came to know as her family. She hasn't looked back since.

Plans: Find other members of the cosca. Weed information out of other wolves/packs. Find basil and try to help re-establish the gang and attempt to work her way up.