
Waiting For The Inevitable


04-19-2013, 12:40 AM


ow did she expect him to so easily take the words that she was laying over his ears? Take them as an excuse? No, he was incapable. He was terrible. There was an incredible flaw to her plan if she so thought it was going to restore her appearance. Valhalla was not his any longer, and yes, things had changed, however, Valhalla was in no essence evil, and it had a long road to travel down before it dares trespass on such evil things. His blue eyes would divert to the side as she spoke of Guinevere and everything that had once been so important to him. That was still so important to him.

"Collision is as much my child as any of the others, and would you speak to Chrysanthe in such a way? Would you disrespect Epiphron so easily had she been the one to cough those orders? Would you have embellished myself with such harsh design had it been me to find Chrysanthe a husband? Seracia is full of good wolves, I've had my experiences with them. They know of the Adravendi's. We are perhaps the largest and most extensively bound family in Alacritis. Yes, betrothals are not common for most, however, for us, they are tradition. You have offended my by speaking against my upbringing, Erani," His words would refuse to let her get off easily. As much as he ated being so brash with her, it was evident it needed to be done.

She was once so revered in Valhalla, and yet, with her actions she had been able to disprove every single word that had been spoken on her behalf. She was not respectful in her tones, and words like hers could have very well been more effective, however, in private. "You do not need to explain things to me, Erani. I am not the King of Valhalla no matter how much you all wish I was. Neo...threw away his Adravendi name. That is not our fault. He threw me away. I love him, but I will not condone his actions without retribution. He has sinned against me, and I will handle that personally, however, his sins against Valhalla are not mine to address. Concerning Chrysanthe, she is the most mentally powerful of her siblings and the one I would have chosen for this,"