
Crack Bones With Blind Aggression [DM?]



01-11-2016, 06:29 AM
After the time that they had gotten back from Donostrea, things had already taken a turn for the worse. The tri-colored young male could hear his father howling, apparently challenging someone to another spar. However, he would open his eyes to see his sister taking off toward where their father could be heard, and he gave a small sigh as he stood up. The young brute did not like the idea of leaving his sister alone, despite the fact that the family would be there cheering their father on, he still cared about Silva even though they rarely talked, and wanted what was best for her in turn. As he bolted on after her, the sounds of snarling and biting could be heard off in the distance as he saw Silva sitting by Enigma, and, before long, Glacier came up beside her. Sheerrun was not much of a talker nowadays, always keeping to himself and never interfering unless something was absolutely necessary that he needed to.

He approached Silva, nudging her slightly in an attempt to comfort her and to try and get her to head to Donostrea with Glacier. Sheerrun could already smell the blood of the two brutes battling one another, probably to the death where this was going. He didn't have a close relationship with his mother, but, he did love his father despite the fact that they only bonded a little bit when he had wandered off into the northern lands.

"Come on, Silva, we should go and follow, Glacier," he spoke to his sister as he watched in terror of what could happen to their father. And, before he could even think of anything, he happened to witness the man who had helped him. Father had killed someone that this man loved apparently? His eyes would widen in utter shock before looking back over at his sister, still in disbelief before standing beside Glacier, eyes full of worry when he watched his father fight.