
till dawn



10 Years
Extra large
01-11-2016, 09:29 PM
The hunger that gnawed at his belly could be ignored, for now. It was not enough to distract him entirely - he had felt far worse things than this, and far greater hunger. The beautiful of the night, of the brilliant colors that stretched over the sky and illuminated the flat plain of ice and snow, was enough to arrest his attention entirely. Tonight was too good of a night to suffer. Surely he could find a good snack later in the evening, when he traveled to more.. hospitable lands.

It was difficult to hear the arrival of another here.. and even more difficult to scent it. The air was bitter and he felt the cold snaking into his nostrils with each sharp breath. The land seemed very desolate to him, and he hadn't expected the arrival of another. The voice was foreign, and yet somehow familiar at the same time, and he moved to face the stranger with no signs of wariness. There was little doubt this boy was a Jarvela, though it was amazing he had found him, and he found himself breaking into a wide grin. There were not many wolves here - or anywhere, really - that had tusks, so it wasn't a difficult deduction to make that he must be Aki.

"Näyttää siltä Järvelän ei ole tarkoitus olla erillään," he greeted him with a hearty wag of his tail as he moved to close the distance between them. First Mikkal, and now.. whoever this was. "Olen Aki. Kuka voisit olla, poika?" He had always believed in fate - in that the world often had plans for each individual, and this was no exception. He was merely grateful to be reunited with his kin, even if it was one he did not yet know.