
It fills you with determination



4 Years
01-13-2016, 12:24 AM

The waiting was the hardest part, Soren had no clue where his brother may have gone and the only lead he had depended upon strangers; and more than that, upon them knowing what happened to the pack that once occupied the space they were taking up. It had already crossed his mind that it was possible that these wolves had simply taken up territory that had been vacated by the pack Kismet had joined, maybe his brother had been long gone before these wolves had moved in.

He would not be waiting too long though as a small, lean shape lopped into view. He was immediately aware of her heavy heat scent, though he did his best to ignore it, flicking an ear awkwardly. He couldn’t ignore her though and while Soren was slowly getting used to “oddly” colored wolves it seemed they could still sneak up on him when he wasn’t expecting it. He found himself almost hypnotised by the swirls of purple that danced along her coat.

She slowed, a smile pulled across her features and she spoke. Soren was suddenly, very, very aware he was staring and quickly pulled his gaze away from her, hazel’s focusing on the distance behind her. “I’m- uh- I’m looking for my brother, he used to be part of pack that occupied these lands…”

But he felt he was ignoring her and slowly brought his gaze back to the smaller wolf. Focusing on where her muzzle joined her face to avoid having to hold her gaze but also to keep his eyes from wandering. “Bigger than me, mostly white, orange head?” He wondered if maybe his brother had simply transferred over to this pack instead, he was pretty sure though that the place Kismet had lived had not been named Donostrea.

image by Trynx

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